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The Brent Primary

Transitioning into Year 5



Primary Scheme of Learning - 'home learning' lessons, each with an introduction to completing the activity successfully.

Hit the Button  

Hit the Button is an interactive maths game with quick fire questions on number bonds, times tables, doubling and halving, multiples, division facts and square numbers.


Multiplication Tables Check  

 Build a daily routine practising your times tables.


English Learning

We would like also the children to practise grammar and spelling patterns at home to support their learning in class.

Our current spelling patterns are:

· words ending with /ei/ sound spelt – ei , eigh, ey e.g. weigh, vein, prey, rein, obey, eight. The children need to do the spelling activity on the attached worksheet.


There is also a video link below to our grammar focus for the next two weeks.

What is a pronoun? - BBC Bitesize