A paper copy of information on this website can be provided to parents on written request to the School Office.
What are the times of the school day?
Years R – 3 pupils must be brought to the school, and collected, by a responsible adult. Any adult collecting at the end of the school day must have been identified to the school. This choice can be amended by the parent at any time.
Start of morning session 8.45 am
End of afternoon session 3.15 pm
Years 1 and 2
Start of morning session 8.45 am
End of afternoon session 3.15 pm
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
Start of morning session 8.45 am
End of afternoon session 3.20 pm
If the adult is not at the expected meeting point on time, the child should return to either the class teacher, or make their way to the school office.
Please note: the car park is for staff use only
Before and after school
We are not legally responsible for the pupils until ten minutes before the start of the school day. Children are able to access the school building from 8.40am and make their way to their classroom. Children who arrive before this time cannot be supervised by staff.
The roads around the school are very busy and become dangerous with parked cars so please take care.
We ask that parents find an appropriate place to park when dropping off and collecting their child/ren. Please respect our neighbours rights and do not park across their driveways.
What do I do if my child has lost a piece of clothing?
Parents must either sew a name label into all clothing or write the child's name in indelible ink. Named items that have been mislaid and then found around school will be returned to their rightful owner. If an item goes missing your child must inform the class teacher/class teaching assistant and look in the lost property. Lost Property is situated outside of the library kitchen and parents are welcome to look for items at the end of the school day. Unnamed items will only be stored for two weeks after which time they will be donated to charity. We will do our utmost to find lost items but we are unable to provide a replacement.
Is there before and after school provision?
This is provided by Jacqueline's Gems. Further information can be found here.
How much is school dinner money?
Hot school meals are currently free of charge to all pupils in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 through a Government scheme. For pupils in Years 3-6 school dinners cost £2.50 per day.
If my child has packed lunch, what should I include?
There are many examples of a healthy packed lunches available on the Change for Life and NHS Healthy Living websites.
Foods like bread, rice, pasta and potatoes will help keep your child fuller for longer. Wraps or pitta breads with pots of fillings can be more exciting for kids when they get to put them together. Try to always add fruit and vegetables: cherry tomatoes, or sticks of carrot, celery, cucumber or peppers all count towards their 5 a-day. Adding a small pot of hummus or other dips may help encourage your child to eat their veg! Bite sized fruit – chopped apple, peeled satsuma segments, strawberries, grapes or melon slices make it easier for them to eat. Tinned fruit counts as long as in natural juice and not syrup.
Please note children are not allowed sweets, nuts, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks.
It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school when they're unwell.
If you do keep your child at home, it's important to phone the school on the first day. Let them know that they won't be in and give them the reason. If your child is well enough to go to school but has an infection that could be passed on, such as a cold sore or head lice, please let their class teacher know.
Further information regarding common illnesses can be accessed here.
I have a worry or concern, who should I speak to?
If there is a problem, please contact the class teacher in the first instance. Most problems are a misunderstanding and can be rectified through communication and working together. Alternatively, please contact Mrs Joanna MacDonald, our Family Support Manager.