Reading Recovery
Reading Recovery is an intensive catch up programme for children in Year 1 and Year 2 who need help with reading and writing.
The aim is to raise their levels in line with the class average.
A maximum of 8 children a year are selected depending on the results of their assessments, date of birth and suitability for the programme. The intervention consists of a half hour reading and writing lesson every day with our Reading Recovery teacher for between 12 and 20 weeks. Reading and writing homework is given daily and the programme works best when parents actively engage and support their children.
Some comments from parents of children who have completed the programme
"I am impressed with the progress she has made."
"We, as parents, are very grateful for this programme."
"My son has really enjoyed his extra reading lessons and has flourished with his reading and writing."
"My daughter has completely transformed! Her whole attitude to reading has changed since she started Reading Recovery and I think the progress she has made is amazing!"