School Contact Details
The Brent Primary School
London Road, Stone
Dartford, Kent, DA2 6BA
Main Contacts
The School Office is open Monday - Friday 8.15am - 4.30pm.
01322 223943 (calls may be recorded for safeguarding purposes)
Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Rye
School Business Manager: Mrs Sarah Fordham
Family Support Team: Miss Box/Mrs Fry
Inclusion Manager: Mrs Tracie Butcher
Chair of School Governing Body: Mr Barry Stephenson
Trust Name and Address
Cygnus Academies Trust
c/o Manor Community Primary School, Swanscombe, Kent DA10 0BU
01322 224 201
CEO: Miss D Lewis-Egonu
Deputy CEOs: Mr D Terry
Company Registration Number: 09950137 (England & Wales)
Information Request
Paper copies of information found on this website can be requested from The School Office.